Sunday, March 13, 2011


So much has happened since the last time I posted. I suck as a father for not updating this blog better. I'm going to regret not doing so years from now. Alas, I'm here now. Let's get you updated!

Look at this sweet girl!

Since I posted the first steps video a few months ago, Taylor has made some serious progress. Seriously, I think she could pace me in one of my upcoming 5k's. She has learned to say more things than I can type in one sitting, but here are a few: apple, up, "Here ya go", please, thank you, coffee, banana, chip, bite, cereal, pee pee, bye bye, hello, cup, baba (bottle), ninny (we are trying to get her to forget this word), bath, ice, Auburn (YES!), A-B-C, one, rockarocka (rocking), Caca (Cotton, Gammy's cat), Gaga (Gammy), Pawpaw.

Thanks to our family's friendship with Rachel, and the introduction of Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi" song to our household, Taylor now calls Rebecca's father "Papa, Papa, Paparazzi".

She likes to model hats:

She learned how to fish for fish her size (note the minnow bucket):

She conquered wild beasts (Beasley):

She LOVES balloons! Here she is sitting in a rocking chair at Gammy and PawPaw's house that Gammy could fit in until she was 13 (you think I am kidding, but no . . .):

She'll give you smile regardless of the situation. Here, she was happy to see Mommy during Becca's recent hospital stay for kidney stones:

Here's she's happy about bath time:

I'll close with my favorite picture of the bunch. She loves to give "tight squeezes":