Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Zoo

Rebecca and Rachel took the girls to the zoo in May.  Rachel is a much better writer than I am, so I'll let her provide the update and pictures (she is also a professional photographer). 

Rachel's Zoo Post

Memorial Day, Independance Day, and a General Update

Since the last time I posted, Taylor has learned so much. It's embarrassing that I haven't updated the blog in such a long time.

She is making sentences. We have to spell things (i.e. "I'm going to feed the D-O-G").

She is taking to becoming a big sister wonderfully.  Often, when she is eating something, she will offer it to Becca's stomach and ask if "Avery want bite?".

She loves to play with her cousins (Rylee, Jacob, etc.).

She asks every day if she can ride on the lawnmower, but then cries when it gets close.

She loves to play hide and go seek.  If Rebecca and I are in another room, she says "Mommy, where are you?".

She asks me before bed time if I will chase her ("Daddy chase you?").  She is such a sweet baby and I know she is going to make a great big sister. 

For Memorial Day, we went on a mini-vacation to the beach with Gammy and Papaw Jody (my mom and dad). 

We spent the 4th of July with Mama-bo and Papa (Rebecca's mom and dad) along with all of Rebecca's family (there were over 25 people at the lake that weekend at one time).

Question of the day: With Avery's arrival quickly approaching (due date in less than 7 weeks), should I split the blog into a "family" blog where I provide an update on both kids in the same blog (as many of their activities will be together) or should I keep the blogs separate (if so, how do I do this given the former statement about dual activities)?