Sunday, November 6, 2011

Avery is a Blessing

Rebecca and I were just talking the other day about how we are thankful Avery is such a good baby.  Nothing against our sweet Taylor bug, but she wasn't the easiest baby to take care of in the first several months.  Rebecca and I recalled night after night of "shift work" trying to share the burden (although I will admit Rebecca endured most of it) of trying to sooth a baby that decided sleeping at 2 AM wasn't a great idea.

Avery, on the other hand, only gets out of sorts when she is getting clothes put on or getting in her carseat or . . . now that I come to think of it, really any time you are messing with her.  She is perfectly content in just about every situation.  Here are some pictures of Avery in her first two months of life.

Taylor's Two!

I know it is cliche, but holy crap!  I have a two year old daughter?  It seems like just yesterday we were spending every night holding her hand at UAB while she was clinging to life.  Today, she's living it up.

We made the decision to go to Chuck E. Cheese for her second birthday party.  It was 3 hours of pure madness, but Taylor and her friends had fun and that's what mattered.  Below are a few pictures from the party.  Enjoy!

The cakes:

 This pizza was in various bellies 5 minutes after this shot.

Becca was pretty excited.

Mommy helping Taylor blow out her candles.

Taylor was really liking Chuck E Cheese.

Trust me, she really did like him.  You can't tell from this photo though.

Sweet birthday girl!

Opening presents.

Caden scaring the rest of the children.

She doesn't hide emotion well.

Look at the play kitchen Mommy and Daddy got Taylor!