Sunday, September 26, 2010

She Crawls!!!

Taylor turned 11 months old yesterday.  Can you believe it???  Let the 1st birthday party preparations begin! 

September 19th Taylor's first tooth broke through.  It's sharp and she's not afraid to bite you with it!  Since then, another tooth has joined the party.  Before long, she'll have a mouth full of teeth.  Thankfully for Rebecca, she is going to start to ween Taylor off breastmilk onto whole milk when she turns one.

In other exciting news, Taylor crawled for the first time!!!  I was so glad I was home to see it!  I was away on business this week and Becca told me that she was pretty sure Taylor would be crawling any day now.  I told Becca to not put Taylor down till I got home so I could be there to witness it.  The night I got home, it happened.  As you can see in the video below, it's not the most graceful crawl you'll ever see, but she'll get the hang of it.  She has been rocking back and forth and then diving forward.  A little odd, I know, but she's my kid, so I'd expect nothing different.  I apologize, but I didn't trim the video link.  The action happens about halfway through the video.  Enjoy!