Saturday, August 27, 2011

Welcome Avery!

Yesterday, the Laney family welcomed a new addition, Avery Grace!

Date: 8/26/2011
Time: 5:13 PM
Weight: 6 lbs, 7 oz
Length: 20"
Status: Beautiful!

Thursday night, August 25, 2011, Rebecca and I came into the hospital at 11 PM so Dr. Short could induce labor.  Although Rebecca had a considerably better pregnancy than last time, the midnight throwing up and extra frontal baggage were getting too much to handle.  She actually started contracting before we came into the hospital.  The "thinning" medication did its job and her water was broken at 8:15 AM.  The contractions came hard and fast and Rebecca did a wonderful job of pushing through them, but it finally came time to have an epidural.  It worked amazingly for about an hour and then. . . pain, EXTREME pain.  The contractions kept coming harder and faster than the pain continued worsening.  Dr. Hall did her epidural again and this time kicked up the dose.  It did the trick!  After almost 9 hours of active labor, Avery came at 5:13 PM with only 2 1/2 pushes.  Dr. Short told Rebecca to hold off on pushing for a second while Dr. Short tied a bow in Avery's hair.  It was a sweet gesture, but the bow came up quickly. Here is that baby, mad at the poking and prodding, shortly after birth.

Taylor has been a great big sister so far.   I dont' think she fully realizes that Avery will be coming home with us, but she does already love her.  She has kissed her several times and we have let her hold Avery (with a little help).

Girls, I just know you are going to be great friends!

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