Saturday, February 23, 2013

Chattanooga, TN

We took advantage of another Groupon discounted hotel and took a mini-vacation to Chattanooga, TN.  I've passed through the city several times, but have never stopped for any significant period of time and was anxious to see what the city held.  Our first stop was the Tennessee Aquarium.  It was a beautiful day, albeit very cold.  Look at those skies!

The girls had a great time exploring the aquarium.  I'll admit though, it was laid out differently than I thought.  I assumed it was very large given the frequency of which people talk about this aquarium vs. the Atlanta aquarium, but this place pales in comparison in size.  I will say, though, that the we enjoyed the Tennessee aquarium much more.  The crowds were smaller and the exhibits were nicer.  Now, how do I go about getting paid for giving the endorsement above?

Perhaps the coolest thing at the aquarium is the butterfly sanctuary (is that what is is called?) on top of one of the buildings.  The butterflies are everywhere and the girls enjoyed chasing them.  I do wonder, though, what this has to do with aquariums.  Insects?  Fish?  You get my drift?

We then headed over to the Ocean Journey building and the girls really enjoyed the crabs and jellyfish.

We took the girls back to the hotel room for a nap (which didn't happen) and a swim in the pool.  

After the swim and late enough at night that the calories are multiplied by a factor of five, we ordered desserts from downstairs: cookie, brownie, milkshakes (plural).  They took about an hour to get that ready (40 minutes of which were after I arrived), so they also gave me a piece of cake to try and free breakfast for the family in the morning.  How nice!  Little did they know, I am an expert at buffet breakfast and wrangled four full platters up to the room for a feast the following morning.  

Saturday was a busy day.  We started out by going to Ruby Falls to see the underground waterfall and walk through the historic cave.  

Avery was less than thrilled about the adventure.  And although she looks happy about it, Rebecca was less than thrilled about it too.  It turns out she had good reason.

While I think the girls had a decent time, it is quite a hike to the falls within the cave with minimal space.  Rebecca toted the baby carrier and her back was killing her by the time we boarded the elevator back up to civilization.  It was pretty cool to see though.

We hung out for a little bit at the playground at Ruby Falls before heading to our next stop.

Point Park offered some amazing views with some neat civil war history.  

This is a typical Taylor pose.  It reminds me of the Lion King.

I can't reiterate enough that the views in Point Park are amazing.  Well worth the $3 or so.

We stopped off at a little quaint place for lunch before heading to Rock City.  Avery mowed down some Mac and Cheese.

Rock City was beautiful, but cold.  Taylor loved it.  Avery just liked being held in the cold.

On the way back to the hotel, I took the liberty of stopping next to an abandon foundry to take some pictures.

 Believe it or not, we also packed in a trip to the mall for dinner and shopping as well.  The good? Avery playing Peek-a-boo with herself at the mirror in Forever 21.

The bad and the ugly were rolled up into one gigantic black mall cop that wouldn't allow us to carry our second stroller up the stairs. . . after we had already put the first one up the stairs.  Therefore, Taylor and I were on the upper level while Rebecca and Avery were stuck on the lower level . . . after the mall closed.  The typical elevators didn't work and he had to take them through the other side of the mall to a freight elevator so they could get to up to the level our car was parked on.  This was a man incapable of making a common-sense decision and instead was held captive to the mall cop rulebook.

Overall, though, the day was a success.  On Sunday, we checked out of the hotel and went to the Discovery Children's Museum.  It was the best children's museum we have ever been to.  I started to add "with the girls" to that last sentence, but we've never been to a children's museum without the girls. That would be odd.

And that was it.  We drove back in the pouring rain while the girls slept peacefully.  Oh wait.  No.  They didn't sleep at all.  Avery screamed.  Oh well.  The weekend as a whole was a blast.

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