Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Taylor LOVES Reesie

Normally, we don't post during the week, but this was too good to wait.

When I got home this afternoon, Rebecca and Taylor greeted me with a smile.  I held Taylor for a little while and thought it would be a good idea to take her outside with me to feed our dog, Reesie.  I just knew that her and Reesie would be great friends once they got to know each other.  I can just imagine Reesie chasing Taylor around the yard, but that is pretty distant in the future.  We've got a couple of steps we must go through first before we get there (crawling, walking, running, growing).  I decided to get them acquainted in the interim.

I fed Reesie and then carried Taylor to the edge of Reesie's dog run.  Reesie was intrigued by the little creature in my arm and came in for a closer look.  When she did, Taylor started laughing.  Every time, Reesie would step back and then lunge forward to get a closer look.  Each time, it was like a big game of Peek-a-boo and each time, Taylor would cackle.  I thought it was hilarious and went in the house to get Rebecca.  It was even better the second time around.

Doesn't this big laugh from such a little girl just make your heart smile?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Wal-Mart Trip

From the title of this blog post, you inevitably thought we took Taylor to Wal-Mart.  That would be a negative.  We have been expressly forbidden from Wal-Mart, church nurseries, etc. with Taylor until at least her six month checkup (next week).  Wal-Mart couldn't wait though. 

The last time we went to Wal-Mart, sliced bread had just been invented.  It has been a LONG time.  The cupboards were looking a little bare and so Rebecca braved the crowd and got us some groceries.  Speaking of Rebecca, she has started her own blog (HERE) which actually mentions the event below.  I highly recommend you follow.  

When Rebecca and I discussed the need for groceries earlier in the day, I offered to go "pick up a few things on my way home" but we were far past that point.  This required an expert and so Rebecca decided to go.  Before she left, she courteously got Taylor to take a nap.  Normally, Taylor sleeps the entire time Rebecca is gone and I felt sure this time would be no different.  Before she left, I asked what time she thought she would be home and she said "definitely no later than 5:30".  I made a mental note and bid her ado. 

It was only 45 minutes later when Taylor woke up and here is the text conversation that followed (note I am on the right in green and Rebecca is on the left in gray):

After several more exchanges like you see above, Rebecca arrived home with the groceries.  I do love taking care of Taylor, but I am awkward.  I don't have boobs and never had siblings to entertain.  This is all new to me.  Rebecca is an expert and I couldn't wait for her to get home and show me how it was done. 

I thought I would leave you with a picture of Taylor from last night.  She is one chunky monkey.  She looks so strong here but it is only because her arms were closer to the camera than her legs.  One day, before we know it, she won't need Rebecca's hands to hold her in the standing position (tear streaks down face . . . ). 

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Taylor's Vocal Chords and Kicking Legs

Although Taylor was born ten weeks early, weighing only 2 lbs, 10 oz, she has always had strong vocal chords.  She is a good baby, though, and doesn't cry as much as some.  However, when she does, it could break glass.  It is loud.  It has always been loud. 

This week, she has started to make other noises.  I can't really decide what these noises are.  If she was a hyena, I would venture to guess it was a mating call, but I really don't know.  I'll let you be the judge.  Regardless, it is cool when your baby does something new.  She was so loud at one point this week, that I heard her in our bathroom from the laundry room (5 rooms away). 

She has also been kicking and squirming more than normal when we hold her.  So, I decided to lay her down and see if it would result in some crawling.  Normally, this tummy time exercise goes over like a fart in a spacesuit, but I thought it was worth a shot.  I know, it's a little early to be crawling (she is not quite six months), but it was worth a shot.  She is trying, but she just can't figure it out.  Oh well.  If at first you don't succeed . . .

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Suiting Up for Bath Time

Can I be honest?  I really am at a loss for things to post week to week on this blog (if you've got any questions we can answer or suggestions on things I could blog about, I'm ready to hear them).  Nothing Earth shattering has been happening in Taylor's world.  She sleeps about the same every night.  She eats about the same every day.  She even has about the same number of diaper changes each day.  However, sometimes it's nice to be in that comfort zone where nothing much is changing and you can finally take a moment to enjoy the little things that make Taylor special.

One of those things might seem to you as utterly meaningless, but I see it every night when I get Taylor ready for her bath and it is one of the cutest things she does.  She is almost always wearing a onesie and and outfit and when you have finished with the hard part (getting her arms out (especially on a shortsleeve onesie)), all that is left is to pull it up over her head.  She makes the same face every time.  In synchronous movements, her face scrunches up and her arms wave wildly.  In that moment, I am convinced she thinks someone is going to poke her in her bellybutton in her moment of weakness.  At least I know that would freak her daddy out!

It may seem like nothing to you, but it's something I look forward to every day.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Teething and Rice Cereal

Teething or Ear Infection?  How do you decide?  The symptoms were documented: fussy, not sleeping well, etc.  The investigation began: Fever?  No.  Gnawing on finger?  Yes!  

So there we have it, she is teething.  She has recently discovered her hands and found that if she tries hard enough, she can just barely fit all five fingers in her mouth at one time.  After realizing two of her fingers were missing (just kidding), we decided she may be teething.  

When we were kids (way back in 1984 and yes that was meant to make the older readers feel really old), almost any store you walked into sold the teething rings that you could stick in the freezer.  Well now, they are no where to be found.  Rebecca searched on the internet, we went to Rite-Aid, and CVS.  We haven't tried Wal-Mart yet, but we will.  We found a knock-off that works for now, but we've got to get our hands on some of those for Taylor bug.  

I believe I am not the only dad that has had this issue:  I realize I have no clue what is going on with my daughter.  One morning, we are concerned about Taylor's health and I tell Rebecca to call the doctor.  When I get home from work, I am told the doctor has authorized Taylor to start trying rice cereal.  How are the two events connected?  I still have no idea, but here we are.

So Wednesday (March 31st) was the day.  Here is a picture of Taylor enjoying the feeding.

Taylor experienced a variety of emotions during the feeding.  At the beginning, she was bewildered at this foreign substance entering her mouth (up until now she has only had breastmilk).  Then she seemed happy because it tasted pretty good.  Then she became frustrated (probably because she was eating stuff that had been on all corners of her mouth and her face was covered in rice cereal goo).  Then happy again, then mad, then happy.  I can't really explain it except to say it wasn't too bad.

I couldn't end this post without showing you one of my favorite recent pictures of Taylor.  Look at that smile!