Saturday, April 24, 2010

Wal-Mart Trip

From the title of this blog post, you inevitably thought we took Taylor to Wal-Mart.  That would be a negative.  We have been expressly forbidden from Wal-Mart, church nurseries, etc. with Taylor until at least her six month checkup (next week).  Wal-Mart couldn't wait though. 

The last time we went to Wal-Mart, sliced bread had just been invented.  It has been a LONG time.  The cupboards were looking a little bare and so Rebecca braved the crowd and got us some groceries.  Speaking of Rebecca, she has started her own blog (HERE) which actually mentions the event below.  I highly recommend you follow.  

When Rebecca and I discussed the need for groceries earlier in the day, I offered to go "pick up a few things on my way home" but we were far past that point.  This required an expert and so Rebecca decided to go.  Before she left, she courteously got Taylor to take a nap.  Normally, Taylor sleeps the entire time Rebecca is gone and I felt sure this time would be no different.  Before she left, I asked what time she thought she would be home and she said "definitely no later than 5:30".  I made a mental note and bid her ado. 

It was only 45 minutes later when Taylor woke up and here is the text conversation that followed (note I am on the right in green and Rebecca is on the left in gray):

After several more exchanges like you see above, Rebecca arrived home with the groceries.  I do love taking care of Taylor, but I am awkward.  I don't have boobs and never had siblings to entertain.  This is all new to me.  Rebecca is an expert and I couldn't wait for her to get home and show me how it was done. 

I thought I would leave you with a picture of Taylor from last night.  She is one chunky monkey.  She looks so strong here but it is only because her arms were closer to the camera than her legs.  One day, before we know it, she won't need Rebecca's hands to hold her in the standing position (tear streaks down face . . . ). 

1 comment:

  1. Robbie, you should practice while Becca is at home. Any time there is housework to be done, you take care of Taylor while Becca does the work. Then, you keep babysitting her until you would rather do the housework. At that time, you swap! No fair swapping back after the diaper is changed.
