Saturday, April 17, 2010

Taylor's Vocal Chords and Kicking Legs

Although Taylor was born ten weeks early, weighing only 2 lbs, 10 oz, she has always had strong vocal chords.  She is a good baby, though, and doesn't cry as much as some.  However, when she does, it could break glass.  It is loud.  It has always been loud. 

This week, she has started to make other noises.  I can't really decide what these noises are.  If she was a hyena, I would venture to guess it was a mating call, but I really don't know.  I'll let you be the judge.  Regardless, it is cool when your baby does something new.  She was so loud at one point this week, that I heard her in our bathroom from the laundry room (5 rooms away). 

She has also been kicking and squirming more than normal when we hold her.  So, I decided to lay her down and see if it would result in some crawling.  Normally, this tummy time exercise goes over like a fart in a spacesuit, but I thought it was worth a shot.  I know, it's a little early to be crawling (she is not quite six months), but it was worth a shot.  She is trying, but she just can't figure it out.  Oh well.  If at first you don't succeed . . .


  1. Did ya'll notice that Robbie's second toe is SHORTER than his big toe? I wonder what that means?

  2. O.k. I had a cute little comment to say about Miss Taylor but reading Bobby's comment made me laugh and now I'm not sure what I was going to say. So I'll just say she is such a chubby lil' angel.
